Just a quick PSA so others can find this in the future: I found out that you can get a download from Circle+Bloom (http://www.circlebloom.com) for only $34 each with no coupon needed if you do it through DesignRX (a free instant walgreens prescription discount program):
1) Go to http://www.designrx.net/ and sign up to be a member. It's totally free, I did it myself with no issue.
2) Confirm your email address.
3) Once confirmed, you receive another email that has links to their site, and one to their forums. Click on the one for forums.
4) on the left hand side, there is an advertisement for Circle + Bloom. Click on it and you can buy the downloads for only 34 bucks instead of 59 on the C+B site or 69 for the cd!